Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Presentations: some people freak out about them, some thrive on them. I would consider myself one who gets excited about presenting in front of a class. These English 102 presentations have been the most interesting for a multitude of reasons. The first being that it is so helpful for lost, confused freshmen to hear all about different majors. Secondly, it helps you decide if that is the major you want to do. For me, I was lucky enough to find out that Public Relations was not going to be my major any longer due to the excess writing involvement. The reason I loved this presentation was because it was very relaxed and it almost felt as if you were having a conversation with the class. I also liked the timing of it because my presentation was on Wednesday, when our rough draft was also due. It was good to do my rough draft and know exactly what my key points were going to be on my presentation. I actually didn't have to think much about what to say because it was so fresh in my mind.

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to other peoples' topics because it informed me about different jobs and majors. Reflecting back on Monday's class, I really enjoyed David's presentation. I thought he made it very easy to stay focused especially with the easy example he used about a patient hearing the following words: "You have cancer". I would say the same thing for one of the presentations that happened on the Monday a week ago. I forget who it was but he had the writing on the chalkboard and talked about how you can interpret the message in two completely different ways. I think that when people get the class involved during a presentation, it will stick in their minds longer and they will be able to recall specific peoples' topics.

Another thing that was helpful about the presentations was when people gave feedback on what they may have gotten confused with, or what they enjoyed. It was comforting to know that my topic's information surprised more people than myself. I noticed that within every discipline there are relationships that must be established and the way to establish them is through language. Even the majors that you wouldn't think need to speek, have to be aware of communication skills to succeed. I have really liked sitting in class these past weeks and learning about different peoples' passions or future jobs.

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